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The information appearing on this website is for general guidance purposes only. This information is believed to be correct as of the date you view it. Fibroline, its subsidiaries and affiliates make their best efforts to update the site. However, they make no representations or warranties as to the completeness or accuracy of any of this information. You assume the entire risk of relying on this information. This information is supplied to you on the condition that you or any other person receiving this information will make your own determination as to its suitability for any purpose prior to any use of this information. In no event will Fibroline, its subsidiaries and affiliates be responsible for damages of any nature whatsoever resulting from the use or reliance upon this information or any product referred to in this information.


No undertaking is made by Fibroline, its affiliates or subsidiaries to update or correct information distributed on Internet or on their web servers. Also, Fibroline, its subsidiaries and affiliates reserve the right to alter or correct the content of their websites at any time without notice.



All the information on this website (pictures, text, video, and all kind of data) is protected by the copyright laws at the time they are made available to the public on this web server and is the property of Fibroline, its subsidiaries and affiliates.

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Except as otherwise specified, all corporate names, logos, products and brand names (Registered® and Trademark TM products) mentioned in this website belong to Fibroline. They may not be used without the prior written agreement of Fibroline.


Site Production


Fibroline: SIRET 798 780 557 00020 – NAF 7112 B

SWEN PARC Bat 4C 1 rue des vergers



Phone : +33 (0)4 28 29 85 40

CEO : Jérôme Ville

Editorial director : Jérôme Ville


Site conception:

Jérôme Ville


Site hosting :


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